August 2016
John 15:18-16:1
Do you have that special someone in your life that you would define as a hater? If you do than you have probably realized that hate can penetrate. Jesus knew all to well what it was like to be hated, and in this message we learn how He dealt with it.
John 15:1-11
Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try you just can’t be happy where you are? We can be in a place where we love Jesus but we aren’t abiding in him. In this message we talk about how important it is to abide in Jesus and how you receive amazing joy.
John 14:15-31
It’s good to remember how good the Lord has been to you. We forget how God is good when things are either really good or really bad. And during the last moments of his life, Jesus shares with us important truths we need to grasp before He goes to the cross. In this message you […]
John 14:1-14
Direction not intention determines our destination in life. If thats true then how do we know that we are going in the right direction? In this message we see the map that Jesus laid out for us.
July 2016
John 13:36-14:1
Have you ever had one of those days where if one more thing happens, you’re going to have a breakdown? The way we handle those moments are important. If you let it, a breakdown can break you. Today we’re going to see how to deal with our breakdowns so that they don’t break us.
John 13:18-38
What makes us different as believers? What is the one thing that should set us apart from the rest? In today’s message we find out just what that one thing is.
John 13:1-17
Have you ever wondered how or what you could do to live a blessed life? Is it even possible to live a blessed life? According to Jesus it is very possible. Find out how you can live a blessed life from today’s message in John 13.
John 12:27-26
We all experience darkness in our lives. Where do the dark places in your life fall? It can happen when we are alone, stressed out, disappointed, etc. Have you gotten to a point where you just want out of the darkness?Today we take a look at one of the darkest points in Jesus’ life, and […]
John 12:9-26
There are things in life that seem backwards, that don’t seem to make any sense. A lot of the time we say that what God is doing doesn’t make any sense. So, in today’s passage, Jesus is about to do something that seems uncharacteristic and that doesn’t make any sense. But sometimes we just gotta […]
June 2016
John 12:1-8
Are you tired of seeing the same stuff on social media? Things like selfies, wrong names on Starbucks cups, the #blessed tag, etc? Today people are always saying they are #blessed but they don’t walk around as if they are. In today’s message we addressed the importance of blessing the Lord. Do you know how […]