November 2019

The Devil made me do it

Join us as Pastor Jason Centoni finishes off our sermon series through 1st Corinthians “I have Issues” as he shows us sometimes taking a step to be closer to God means taking ownership for our mistake and sins.

Blessing in the Balance

                                                                         Are you stressed, out of whack, or have suffering relationships? Guest speaker               […]

Our Resurrected Body

What becomes of our body and life once we die? Listen in as Guest Preacher Guy Leech takes us through 1st Corinthians chapter 15:35-58 and digs into find the answer!

October 2019

Eat, drink, and be merry!

What do you live for? Join us as Pastor Jason Centoni teaches on the different paths we can choose, that of waste that ends in Death, or the choice of Jesus and everlasting Life.

The spiritual life hack

Being a Christian doesn’t mean life is going to be easier, in fact life can get tougher. Listen up as Jason Centoni teaches on how to wade through the difficulty with this Spiritual life hack.

1st Corinthians chapter 15

Join us this sunday as Pastor Jason Centoni digs into chapter 15 of 1st Corinthians.

A heart to learn

Pastor Jason Centoni Speaks on how the Bible is essential when it comes to using our gifts to the fullest.

September 2019

Build it up to pour it out!

Pastor Jason Centoni continues our sermon series “I have issues” as he goes through 1st Corinthians chapter 14.

Love Like The Lord Loves You

1st Corinthians is normally read at a wedding. However, the context of it is more of someone going through a divorce. What do you do when the honeymoon is over and things get real? Pastor Jason unpacks that in this message.

No more Labels

This week Pastor Jason Centoni continues our series “I have Issues” in 1st Corinthians and takes a look at the spiritual gifts and blessings God is calling us too and how we need to be able to stretch to grow.