February 2022

Blessed? Be on guard!

Pastor Jason Centoni continues through Second Samuel and tells us why we need to be on guard even when we’re blessed.

January 2022

Where is your courage? What are you leaning on?

Pastor Jason Centoni takes us verse by verse through chapter 4 of 2nd Samuel.

God works in your mess

Pastor Jason Centoni takes us verse by verse through 2nd Samuel chapter 3.

2nd Samuel chapter 2

How do you want it to end?

Pastor Jason Centoni is closing out our sermon series of 1st Samuel and taking us into the start of our next adventure beginning in 2nd Samuel. We take a look at the end of Saul’s life and how we need to apply the lessons in this final chapter to our life, so that we can […]

Encourage, seek, and pursue.

This Sunday Pastor Jason takes us verse by verse through chapter 30 of 1st Samuel.

December 2021

1st Samuel chapter 29

Pastor Jason Centoni takes us verse by verse through chapter 29, and a few verses into 30, as we get ready to close out this awesome sermon series.

What NOT to do when you don’t hear from God

At this low point in Saul’s life, we can take a lesson from him on what not to do when God is silent. And in return, learn what Jesus offers us when we don’t feel close to God

November 2021

Settled into sin

David finds himself in a dark place when he is surrounded by followers but has no support system.

1st Samuel chapter 26

Even when we don’t know God’s plan, we know what He would have us do. Pastor Jason Centoni takes us through chapter 26 verse by verse and teaches us how we can learn from David sparing Saul for a second time.