July 2021

Consistency, Integrity, and Prayer

Verse by verse study of 1st Samuel chapter 12 by pastor Jason Centoni.

Anointed for your assignment

Verse by verse through 1st Samuel chapter 11 by pastor Jason Centoni.

A change of heart

A study verse by verse through 1st Samuel. Breaking apart and learning through chapter 10

June 2021

God’s in the details

Pastor Jason Centoni goes through 1st Samuel chapter 9 and shows us how God is in the details of our lives.

1 Samuel Chapter 8

A study verse by verse through 1 Samuel. Have you ever pushed for something that you were being warned against? When you eventually get it realizing you are worse of in the end? Find out how this lesson by Pastor Jason Centoni applies this to our life today.

Make a move

Verse by verse study of 1 Samuel chapter 7 by Pastor Jason Centoni. Are you giving the Lord your whole heart? Take a look at how what we love and spend time doing shapes us, and how we need to be making moves towards the Lord to become more like the Father.

May 2021

When the people of God lose the presence of God

To some, the presence of God is a welcome encouragement, to others it is a nuisance.

Don’t put God in the box

Verse by verse study through the book of 1 Samuel. Pastor Jason Centoni takes us through chapter 4.

1 Samuel Chapter 3

Are you hearing a message from the Lord? Or wondering why you haven’t heard from Him? Let’s take a look at chapter 3 and how it can help us answer these questions.

1 Samuel chapter 2

Happy Mothers Day! Today we dive into the second chapter of 1 Samuel, looking at applicable lessons from a lacking father and a prayerful mother.