June 2019

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I have issues with my Christianity

Lets get it started! Listen in as Pastor Jason Centoni kicks off our first sermon in our new series ” I have Issues” with a bang, taking a deeper look at our issues with our own Christianity!

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1st Chorinthians Bible study EP .01

Join us as Pastor Jason Centoni starts off our first wednsday night bible study and takes us deeper into the book of 1st Chorinthians!

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Where are you in this story?

This Sunday Guest speaker Terry McNabb takes us deeper into the verse we all know and love, John 3:16 and makes us ask the question, are you struggling with the Love of God? If so what barriers are keeping you from truly accepting the Love of God? Join us as Terry takes us through these […]

May 2019

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Handling your Hater

In this sermon by Pastor Jason he takes us through Ephesians and shows us key ways to handle our biggest hater.

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When its hard at home

When your family is right, life is right, however when your family life is hard it can be hell. Pastor Jason Centoni dives into family problems and what the bible has to say about them. 

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Who wears the pants?

Marriage doesn’t have to be mediocre, nobody signs up to have an okay marriage but an awesome marriage. Check out Pastor Jason message and see how we can start making our marriage awesome! 

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This is your wake up call!

This week pastor Jason Centoni talks about how God’s love is based on Grace not performance, and how when we start living in that truth God walks with us into wisdom and healing instead of us walking ourselves into sin. Its time to wake up and start living like Jesus!

April 2019

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Take off the Old, Put on the new!

We are back after an Amazing Easter into our Ephesians sermon series. In this sermon Pastor Jason takes us through how changing our mind can lead to a changed heart and how we need to take off the old so we can put on the new!

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The Empty Tomb Changes Everything!

Join us this Easter as Pastor Jason Centoni takes us through an untraditional Easter message in the book of John as we take a look at the story of Lazarus! 

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We are gifted, not restricted

In this sermon by Pastor Jason, he shows us that if we focus on the Lord and using the gifts He has given us we can start truly living Gifted instead of restricted.