November 2018

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Nehemiah 9

In this message Pastor Jason Centoni speaks out of Nehemiah 9 about how we need to reconnect. What does that look like? What does that mean? Find out in this  amazing message!

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Nehemiah 8

No matter what kind of security we have around us, it is God protecting us, not things of this world. We have to hear the word and be doers of the word. In this message Pastor Jason Centoni looks at Nehemiah 8 and how this very topic was handled. We hope this word brings encouragement […]

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Churches for CASA

In this message Pastor Jason Centoni shows us how important children are to Jesus, and speaks to Mike, Executive Director of CASA, about what CASA does.

October 2018

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Nehemiah 6

Have you ever had people coming against you? People talking trash about you and threatening you? Nehemiah dealt with the same thing, and in Pastor Jason Centoni’s message, we find out how to handles these situations the same way Jesus would.

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Nehemiah 5:1-12

 Have you ever been hurt by the person that you are closest to? Ever felt like those closest to you hurt you the most? In this message Pastor Jason Centoni addresses the issue of Frenemies in Nehemiah 5.

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Nehemiah 4

What do you do when you put your whole heart into something and it doesn’t seem to be enough? When the strength you have to face an issue will only cause more resistance? Find out in Pastor Jason Centoni’s message “Getting Through the Middle” in Nehemiah 4.

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Nehemiah 3

Have you ever been broken down and feel like you have nothing left? Then it is time to strengthen what is left! In this message Pastor Jason shows us what that looks like and how Nehemiah strengthened what was left.

September 2018

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Nehemiah 2:11-20

Have you ever had a vision but it keeps getting destroyed by villains? In this message Pastor Jason shows us how Nehemiah dealt with this very issue and how it applies to us today. We hope this word encourages you today!

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It’s All About the Gospel

In this weeks message our guest speaker Pastor Glenn Small, pastor of Newport Baptist, talks to us about the Gospel. He teaches out of Romans 1:15-17 and really shows us what Paul was saying in this passage and what the Gospel is all about. We hope this word encourages you today!

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Nehemiah 2:1-10

Fear. This is something we feel so often in our lives. Whether that be fear of stepping out, fear of losing something, etc. Whatever the fear is, this message by Pastor Jason teaches us that we may feel the fear, but we need to step out on faith anyways.