March 2017

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Mark 3:7-35

In Mark 3 Jesus goes through a journey that has a lesson for each of us. One lesson is that we need to bind our struggles and recover them. What does that look like? Find out in this amazing message that everyone should hear. 

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Mark 2:18-3:6

In todays fast paced culture we don’t put rest at a very high priority. In todays message we see that God gave us the gift of rest and we see what a great gift it is.

February 2017

Audio Player

More Likes (Mark 2:13-17)

Jesus doesn’t love you because of how good you are, but how good He is. In today’s message Pastor Jason talked about how we could never earn God’s love, but we can rejoice in it! A message everyone needs to hear.

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Mark 2:1-12

What is the one thing God wants to bless about you? What would be your answer? In this message Pastor Jason shows us the answer can be found in four guys and a friend.

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Mark 1:23-35

In a world where we just can’t seem to focus on any given thing, we find it hard to focus on the most important thing of all. In this message we learn how Jesus took the time needed to focus on Who He needed most. An important and uplifting message we all need to hear. 

January 2017

Audio Player

Mark 1:14-20

In this life we can feel like we aren’t qualified for what God has called us to. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you fell short time and time again? Well in this message we learn that God doesn’t call quailfied people, but He qualifes the people He calls.

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Mark 1:9-13

Do you ever feel like God puts you in situations just to fail? Like no matter what you just feel like you are in the wilderness with no hope of success? In this message Pastor Jason shows us just how untrue these feelings are.

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Mark 1:1-8

In the begnining of The Gospel of Mark we are introduced to John the Baptist. We learn that John the Baptist was a man that cared more about making an impact than building his image. So how do we shift our thinking to be more like that of John’s? Find out in this amazing message […]

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Mark Intro

In this message we kicked off our new sermon series going through the Gospel of Mark. Not just an introduction, but a message that really shows us what Mark’s intentions were behind this book.

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Humble Hearts

In our final message of “What Jesus Wants For Christmas” we take a look at the gift of the Shepherds and how their gift of humble hearts is just what Jesus wants.